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About Nieves

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In 1998 after a painful breakup, Nieves went into a profound crisis, that led to the beginning of her journey of inner discovery, growth and healing. That provoked a complete change in her life’s direction and she dropped everything to find her new purpose.

First of all, she trained in Gestalt therapy, and Integral psychotherapy in Barcelona. After that, she felt a strong impulse to move to the Esalen Institute, center for the development of human potential, in Big Sur California, to immerse herself for a year and a half in a program that combined community life and deep inner work.

Upon her return to Barcelona in 2011 she began her path as a therapist, as she had discovered that facilitating awareness, clarity and healing is what she feels called to do, for herself and others.

In her continuous explorations of the connections between the human body, mind, heart and spirit she found tantra, and felt drawn to this heart-centered approach to life. As she began to dive deep into it, her inner child wounds became painfully clear and she realised she needed to focus on healing her wounded child first. The next natural step for her was to undertake training in Emotional Awareness and Inner child work with Ketan (Instituto de Consciencia Emocional Sammasati) in Barcelona, and currently she assists him in his workshops.

At the same time, she began to train internationally with Krishnananda and Amana Trobe at the Learning Love Institute, eventually becoming a Learning Love Teacher.

Her profound understanding of her own wounds and her continuous exploration of the human psyche, enables her to accompany others to open their hearts to their inner child, and thus begin their healing process.

Grateful for the loving wisdom imparted by her mentors on her path, her life purpose, and passion is to share this with all who accompany her on this wonderful journey.

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