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About Paula


Paula is a Registered Yoga Teacher, Registered Nurse, Reiki Master, and Intuitive Energy Practitioner. She has a holistic approach to life, Paula – a long-time practitioner of yoga – became a Yoga teacher in 2011 and Paula believes strongly that we all have within us the power and capacity to maintain balance in all areas of life – mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Paula’s work as a Registered Nurse and as a Yoga teacher lead her to see the how powerful yoga is as a medicine for the Human Body. Paula spent the last 20 years of her life living on Koh Phangan island and in her native Ireland teaching yoga and meditation, training students on Yoga Teacher Trainings, working as a Registered Nursed and is passionate in sharing her knowledge of Yoga Anatomy and the integration of that in the practice yoga.

She is also trained in African Reflexology, Kinesiology, and works with Flower Essence Therapy and takes regular continuing education in Yoga anatomy, most recently with Jennie Toner and Harvey Deutch. Paula uses a combination of these modalities while working with clients during private session. She also conducts group sessions and Workshops.

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