Rebirthing Ishi 5

Bio Development Dance Therapy (Tantra Foundation)

Inner Child Tantra Practice

BioDevelopment is a platform of self-development based on the acceptance that helps to harmonize body and mind by balancing emotions and bringing body awareness using human interactions, music and movement.



Biodevelopment is a system that integrates music, movement and authentic interactions to provide experiences of intense perception of being alive in the here-and-now. 

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Rebirthing Ishi
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This system is a set of practices that work with different topics. During weekly classes we work on the following ones


·       Euphony

·       Touch and boundaries

·       Inner-fire

·       Heart Opening

·       Inner-child

·       Love through the eyes

·       Impermanence


·       Divine connection


Bio Development is a unique system developed in Samma Karuna by Ishi. Intensely lived moments through music and expression are the heart of this dance therapy course. Every session has a profound capacity to transform us and connect us with life.



More information, times and dates about this and other practices is available by downloading our  calendar of activities

This practice can help you to go deep into your inner world to explore all of those sides of being a human. And we will do it through interaction with others.

This practice contains many stages, which take you from one polarity to another through catharsis, dance, bio-dynamic exercise and encounters. It is a great unburdening, as you will experience releasing everything unwanted in your chaotic body-mind and come to a point of ease and peace with yourself. In this space, it is easy to know your true nature.

The release of stress and pent-up feelings gives you a sense of clarity and freedom, and the active stages leave you feeling more energetic, alive and empowered. This is a multi-dimensional Meditation that celebrates love and friendship and helps you to sink into a space of deep warmth and relaxation.


This is the most intense practice of all Samma Karuna meditations. It has 15 stages and lasts about 3,5 hours. 

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This meditation is inspired by the work of OSHO with the AUM Marathon and Veeresh of Humaniveristy with his AUM

We have Samma Karuna AUM meditation each month only once and we do strongly recommend trying it at least once. There is always a free demo class before this meditation.


More information, times and dates about this and other practices is available by downloading our  calendar of activities.