How Can We Help?

I staying inside the campus and I’m having an emergency, what should I do?

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In case of an emergency outside working hours of our Welcome Center (the resort reception) you may contact us through our emergency contacts.

In case of emergencies such us:

  • If you find yourself locked out your bungalow at night
  • You arrive late for check-in and the Welcome Center is already closed
  • Your bungalow runs out of electric power of water
  • You feel sick and need medical attention

You may contact our emergency numbers as follow:

  • +66 95 078 0029 Soot (Maintenance)
  • +66 94 328 9613 Veronica
  • +66 95 034 0010 Ishi
  • +66 88 667 1265 Edwin

    PS: Most contact numbers have WhatsApp service available as well.