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An Overview of Tibetan and Buddhist Tantra

Tantrayana, also known as Vajrayana is the Tantric medium to enlightenment. It is a school that is closely linked with Tibeta Buddhism and it derives from the Mahayana. Tantrayana has become an integral part of Tibetan Buddhism to the point that it is being identified with the Tibet religion. The most esoteric and mystical part of the schools, Tantric Buddhism, is furthest from the general origin and there is little or no acceptance of in the South East of Asia, a location where it is often considered an unauthentic school of Buddhism.

The theory and practices of what is known as tantrism began in India and is connected to Shaivism, which is the cult of Shiva, known as the god of Yogins. From this Indian source, Mahyanists engaged the movement and these two schools became examples of the great Lo Monthang gompas which are Vajrayana in Jampa, and Mahayana in Thubchen. Tantrayana or Vajrayana Buddhism entails mystical practices and theories, some of which have departed from the central Buddhist principles.

The specific religious principles and practices that were discovered in the cultural world of Tibetan and accepted and even carried out by mosastic orders, contain magical formulas, incantation of mystic, destruction of demons and exorcism, auguries, divination, symbolic ransom and sacrifice, and oracles. All these are parts that are linked with Shamanism. This element in the Tibetan Buddhism of the supernatural and magic, which is isolated from the foundational practices and teachings of Buddhism, has resulted in its designation as the Lamaism. This makes it seem like a different religion or another offshoot of the first faith. The attempt to account for the obvious differences has pushed scholars to try to recognize the main sources of the discrepancies from what can be said to be original and pure Buddhist teachings.

In actual fact, Buddhism was a strange import into the religion of Tibet. However, Tibet made it its own. This comprehensive beliefs system and practices regarded as Tibetan Buddhism can therefore only be appreciated in the complete context of the nation, its society, history, cultural practices, and indigenous religious practices. In addition to this, it is crucial to put into consideration the exact religious contents within Buddhism which has ultimately impacted its form and practice in Tibet.

Tantrayana Buddhism was first instituted in Tibet in the eighth century when Santaraksita first made an appearance in Tibet from India around 767 CE. This was during the instigation of Dharma King Trisong Detsen. The Tibetan Buddhism imitates the later part of Indian tantric Buddhist expansion, which includes the Yogini tantras, interpreted into Tibetan language.

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